The Judicial Academy Philippines (TJAP)
Venue Address:
The Judicial Academy Philippines (TJAP), Tagaytay City
Course code: PJP-TC
Course series number: 2936
Course type: CP
Course sequence: 66
CS Year: 23
No. of Male Participants: 28
No. of Female Participants: 66
Total No. of Participants: 94
Number of Days: 5

General Objective: The Pre-Judicature Program for the Appellate Courts seeks to assess the qualifications and readiness of the participants to assume judicial posts at the appellate level. It aims to evaluate the overall competence, skills, integrity, probity and independence of the participants in order to determine their suitability to become a member of an appellate court.
The Judicial Academy Philippines (TJAP)
Venue Address:
The Judicial Academy Philippines (TJAP), Tagaytay City
Course code: PJP-AC
Course series number: 2935
Course type: CP
Course sequence: 7
CS Year: 23
No. of Male Participants: 19
No. of Female Participants: 17
Total No. of Participants: 36
Number of Days: 5